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Get It Done Son - Productivity

4.6 ( 3376 ratings )

This app was built to make things simple.

The app is split in to 6 parts based on my own experiences with getting things done.

For example:

Part 1 Priority:

Some days when I wake up, I want to structure my goals of the day by the priority they hold, whether thats big, medium or small.

Part 2 Threes:

Sometimes when I wake up without any particular idea of what I would like to do, I list out three personal goals along with three professional goals that I would be happy with accomplishing at the end of the day. I got this one from Jim Kwik. Shoutout to Jim!

Part 3 Timescale:

When I have a large amount of goals I like to set estimated timescales for each one and then execute them based on the time I have available to do so. This is more for hourly goals.

Part 4 & 5 Bad Habits and Good Habits:

For a long time I used to stick A3 pages to my wall and write out the habits I wanted to achieve, as well as the bad habits I wanted to let go of. Id come to the paper at the end of the day after achieving said habits and write whatever number that day represented. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and so on. This helped me focus on building momentum. I always wanted a way to do this quickly and efficiently and now with Get It Done Son this can be achieved.

Part 6 Long Term:

One thing Im learning as I grow wiser is that everything worth having in life takes patience and planning. Thinking long term can really help in setting you on the right course in life and its good to break down long term goals in to 5 stages. You also have the option to come back to your long term goals to write about your progress.

If what ive written above sounds in any way like it may suit you and the way you work, by all means give Get It Done Son a try for free.

Despite the name women mustnt think this app is not for them. I just really like saying GET IT DONE SON!!

With all that said. GET IT DONE SON!!